Peer-reviewed publications:
8. Turza, F., Stec, D., Fontaneto, D., Miler, K. (AOP). Life expectancy in ants explains variation in helpfulness regardless of phylogenetic relatedness. Behavioral Ecology.
7. Turza, F., Miler, K. (2023). Small workers are more persistent when providing and requiring help in a monomorphic ant. Scientific Reports 13:21580.
6. Turza, F., Miler, K. (2023). Injury shortens life expectancy in ants and affects some risk-related decisions of workers. Animal Cognition 26:1643-1647.
5. Książek, W., Turza, F., Pławiak, P. (2022). NCA-GA-SVM: A new two-level feature selection method based on neighborhood component analysis and genetic algorithm in hepatocellular carcinoma fatality prognosis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 38:e3599.
4. Turza, F., Miler, K. (2022). Comparative analysis of experimental testing procedures for the elicitation of rescue actions in ants. Current Zoology 68:159-168.
3. Miler, K., Turza, F. (2021). “O Sister, Where Art Thou?” – A review on rescue of imperiled individuals in ants. Biology 10:1079.
2. Okrutniak, M., Rom, B., Turza, F., GrzeÅ›, I.M. (2020). Body size differences between foraging and intranidal workers of the monomorphic ant Lasius niger. Insects 11:433.
1. Turza, F., Zuber, G., Bzoma, M., Prus, M., Filipiak, M., Miler, K. (2020). Ants co-occurring with predatory antlions show unsuccessful rescue behavior towards captured nestmates. Journal of Insect Behavior 33:1-6.